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Self Health Institute Presents

CoreTalk™ Professional Certification Package

Get Everything You Need to
Become a Certified CoreTalk™ Holistic Healing Professional
Heal Yourself, Clients, Family, and PETS!!

IMAGE | The Ultimate Self-Healing System Product ImageIMAGE | Success Accelerator Code Course PackageENERGY ACCELERATOR CODE PROGRAM


How Would You Like To Heal the Self-Doubt, Procrastination, Limiting Beliefs, Physical Ailments, and Core Issues in Your Family, Life, and Business With the Tools in This Revolutionary Professional Healing Certification?

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Discover and Heal Core Issues so you
(and your family, friends and clients) no longer suffer from Procrastination, Self-Doubt, and Chronic Disease


What would it be worth to you if you could get rid of procrastination,
self-doubt, and overwhelm and be...

more productive and effective in your life and business?

How much would your life change... if right now, today,
you started getting clear, concise answers
to your most important questions about health and business...
answers that were exactly right for you?

Imagine the clarity and confidence that kind of super power would give you!

And what if your body became your friend again...
and you didn’t feel sick and tired and exhausted anymore?

We'd love to help you feel great again so you can
up-level your business and supercharge your life!

It's what we've done for spiritually minded entrepreneurs since 1995...

And it works... REALLY WELL.

Would you like to get immediate access to these superpowers?
Well... you can because you are in the right place, right now...

CoreTalk Professional Certification (1)

The CoreTalk™ Professional Certification includes...

CoreTalk™: The Ultimate Self-Healing System

7 Week Online Course

with the Unleash Your Inner Healer 3 Day Live Event

✔ Seven Weekly Live Calls when Course is Given Live
✔ Unleash Your Inner Healer 3-Day Live Event
✔ Private Facebook Group
✔ Lifetime Access

IMAGE | CoreTalk™ The Ultimate Self-Healing System
IMAGE | Success Accelerator Code Course Card

The Success Accelerator Code

5 Week Online Course

with the Activate Your Success 3 Day Live Event

✔ Five Weekly Live Calls when Course is Given Live
✔ Activate Your Success 3-Day Live Event
✔ Private Facebook Group
✔ Lifetime Access

Energy Accelerator Code Online Course

3 Module Online Course

✔ 3 Module Online Course on how to work with Chakras and Energetic Cords
✔ Discover Protective Energetic Shields
✔ How to Deal with Psychic Manipulations
✔ Lifetime Access

IMAGE | Energy Accelerator Code Card

Course #1

CoreTalk™: The Ultimate Self-Healing System Course

IMAGE | The Ultimate Self-Healing System Product Image

Here's What You Get in the Course

The program has 7 Modules with short, concise videos, demos, journals, and roadmaps throughout the lessons.

In the Introduction to CoreTalk™: The Ultimate Self-Healing System, we’ll set up your foundation for transformation, you’ll learn how to use a pendulum to muscle test and start to document your life timeline, always digging deeper to find core issues.

In Module 1, we’ll talk about emotions and meridians and how they form the Ultimate Energetic Feedback Loop for your superconsciousness. This is where you begin to understand the real meaning of 'the issues are in the tissues,' and how you can begin to clear YOUR core issues.

You will learn the bladder and kidney meridians and how they are closely linked to the emotion of fear, whether that is fear of death or of embarrassment or ridicule, and how to clear the fear which can lead to procrastination, perfectionism and self-doubt and stop forward progress in your business and life.

In Module 2, you’ll learn how to have a conversation with your body and the 4 essential questions that you use each time you begin that conversation.

You will explore the Liver and Gallbladder meridians, and how they transmit the emotion of anger, whether that is frustration or rage into your organs, connective tissues, and muscles.

In Module 3 you’ll learn how to nurture the flow of your body’s energy by realizing the difference between your head talking and your body talking allowing you to develop the understanding of what your Go-To emotion might be. You'll also uncover the secrets of the stomach and spleen meridians and the energetics of nurturing: the nurturing you received, as well as the nurturing that you give to yourself and others.

Module 4, you’ll look at understanding the past and your body and brains reference to it and how your view of the past affect your health and what you can do to make positive changes.

This is the beginning of creating a deep understanding of how the events of your live have affected you, and how your body will assist and empower you to create the life you’ve dreamed of or at least get you back on the path to health and wellness if you’re not already there.

In Module 5, Seeing the Blindspots, Looking Behind the Curtain, you’ll discover your signature meridian and understand what emotion is primarily driving your reactions and how you can work with your signature meridian to let go of emotional baggage so you can have healthy and measured reactions no matter how stressful life can be.

And Module 6, Coming Full Circle you’ll learn your final pair of meridians, governing and central which form a circle around your body. This is when you begin to use the USHS as an integrated healing tool. allowing you to access the innate wisdom and healing ability of your body, mind, and spirit, no matter where you are or what you’re doing.

Plus You Get A Ticket To Our Incredible Live Event

Unleash Your Inner Healer


The Unleash Your Inner Healer live event includes three days of talking with our body, mind, and spirit to align with our health, mindset and business goals and success strategies. It includes healing emotional wounds and traumas through in-depth group and one-on-one coaching, and it includes practice and integration of transformative awareness and healing techniques so you can thrive.


Here’s what people are saying about Antonia and Greg's courses 

  • IMAGE | CoreTalk™ Certification Program Card CoreTalk™ Professional Certification $2,997.00

    Their Consise, Core-Connecting Approach

    is deep, quick and eloquently executed with precision that will answer your most elusive, chronic health challenges life has to offer... Masterful!

    Energy Work-Breath Coach

  • Self Health Institute

    I experienced an immediate and significant shift...

    Since being in the Ultimate Self-Healing System Course, I have received a high level position as a result of that shift.

    Prosperity Circles, Financial Coach

  • Self Health Institute

    This course is such a treasure chest of ways to work with the body and mind.

    My pendulum and the clearings feel like powerful allies for helping me be more productive in my business AND enjoy it more.

    Feldenkrais Practitioner

Course #2

Success Accelerator Code

IMAGE | Success Accelerator Code Course Package

Here's What You Get in the Course

Five modules with powerful, concise videos, targeted energetic instructions, downloads, and inventive journals that give you the tools so you can get back to being productive in just a few minutes, even when it seems like your workday is falling apart.

Zero in on your goals so you can avoid roadblocks and walk straight into your dreams.

Get accurate answers to life’s most important questions so you can take the right action at the right time for fast, powerful results.

Identify which emotion is ruling your world so you can eliminate your not-so-productive times and take powerful actions that change the outcome of your business in the moment. Really get the important stuff done NOW.

Learn this life-changing process to QuickClear™ your inner game in a moment so you can get back to work fast.

Identify what’s bugging you, shift it, and move forward quickly so you can move confidently ahead with your plan.

Check in on your goals and vision to see how you can move ahead faster and easier.

Immediately clear out the issues in your tissues for a fast and easy restart so you can avoid the full blown entrepreneurial melt downs. We show you how, step by step (it’s all in the CODE).

Become a master of CoreTalk™ decoding so you can quickly recognize and release trapped emotions that create procrastination and perfectionism and have held you back in the past.

Dive into the deep issues that hold the key to long lasting transformation and success.

A quick and easy process (yes, it really is easy) to identify and remove Outdated and Limiting Beliefs forever, so they stop being your end game and start being your dream game.

Discover the beliefs under the beliefs that are driving your customers away (yes, they can really feel your stuff).

Encode the new, beautiful beliefs so you can have the Abundance you’ve always dreamed of.

Put it all together so you can get quick and lasting relief from stuck emotions, limiting beliefs, and negative behavioral pattern.

Integrate the transformation so you can move forward with your new perspective and not slip back into old habits.

Accelerate into the vision of your dream business.

Plus You Get A Ticket To Our Incredible Live Event

Activate Your Success


3 jam-packed, uplifting, hands-on days, full of powerful processes, inspiring demos, individualized healing, transformative meditations and exercises all designed to give you a total ‘I CAN GET IT DONE’ reset for your life and business.

Uncover and heal core issues that are undermining your success.

Create a Success Roadmap and put your most important goals into action now.


Course #3

Energy Accelerator Code


Here's What You Get in the Course

The Energy Accelerator Code Program has three modules that show you how to work with your chakras, and energetic cords (those energetic manipulations that people put out when they’re trying to influence you.) Getting rid of this ‘sticky energy’ can have a huge, positive impact on your boundaries and relationships. Plus, the course includes other cool stuff about protective energetic shields and how to deal with other psychic manipulations.

This module takes an in-depth look at the chakras and how they function as an amazing energetic input/output tool for your body. It also addresses how chakras reflect emotions into the tissues, acting as a visceral feedback tool to show how our emotions show up in the tissues of our bodies.

This module is all about how to be aware of and remove sticky manipulative energy. This includes how to balance and remove cords from chakras, as well as how to remove other toxic manipulations like shrouds. You will also learn how to bring energy back into your body that you need to keep your body systems functioning optimally.

This module will assist you to create strong energetic boundaries for yourself, letting the good stuff in and keeping the bad stuff out. These boundaries strengthen your unique perspective and give you clarity when making decisions, as well as empower you to take action toward your goals in life and business.

Plus these Amazing Bonuses...

Bonus 1

CoreTalk™ Holistic Healing Sessions

VALUE $1,500

You will receive two 30-minute private CoreTalk™ sessions with us, Antonia and Greg. In these sessions, we look at what issues are holding you back and we’ll do immediate clearing work for those core issues, and really focus on what you need while healing any blocks that keep you from taking action. And then together, we’ll create a plan so that you can begin to really thrive and move forward.

Bonus 2

Fast Track Transformation Calls

VALUE $2,250

Six monthly calls where you can ask for individual healing, get your CoreTalk™ questions answered, get energetic support on development of a course or freebie, help with a tech issue, or individualized check in to see what price point is right for you. You can get healing for a past life, a generational issue, or a physical issue whose healing has eluded you.

Bonus 3

CoreTalk™ Certification Workshop

VALUE $375

To support your journey to CoreTalk™ Certification, you'll receive an Introductory Certification Workshop, live course calls with recordings, the  CoreTalk™ Professional Certification Member Site, and lifetime access to all the courses and live events! Upon completion of Certification requirements, you'll receive a CoreTalk™ Certificate, logos, intake forms, and promotional materials.


Antonia Van Becker and Greg Lee are the founders of Self Health Institute, Inc.

Their mission is to empower clients by turning problems that block their success into Golden Opportunities so they can move forward with clarity and confidence.

Since 1995, they’ve been using their signature CoreTalk™ therapy to guide conscious entrepreneurs, business owners, healers, speakers, and coaches toward successful outcomes by asking their clients' bodies simple questions and getting life-changing answers.

They love helping people get past overwhelm, procrastination, self-doubt, and chronic health issues so they can have the life, business and impact they so deeply desire.

Together since 1979, their 42-year relationship imbues their healing practice with love, body/mind consciousness, and emotional/energetic balance and awareness.

SHI  Signature

Here’s what people are saying about Antonia and Greg, the course instructors

  • IMAGE | CoreTalk™ Certification Program Card CoreTalk™ Professional Certification $2,997.00

    I felt like ME, vibrant, happy, secure and grounded.

    My heart felt gratitude to Antonia & Greg and their amazing healing work. I have had the pleasure of their healing sessions on 3 occasions now. I was feeling my spirit and body were not in sync with one another and I did not feel grounded in myself. I was even having a hard time walking. After my first session, I felt like ME, vibrant, happy, secure and grounded.

    HR Specialist

  • Self Health Institute

    My food sensitivities literally disappeared.

    My stomach became flat, I didn't have any pain anymore, and my skin irritations went away. And not only that, but I actually had a sudden, severe health symptom come up, and the doctors said they didn't know what it was. I called Antonia and Greg, and they worked with me, and in one session, we discovered and decoded a negative belief system, and it took all of that intense suffering away.

    International speaker, Best-selling author

  • Self Health Institute

    I immediately become more calm, grounded, and present

    ‘Terror’ that I had been carrying since birth was freed, gone. It had been affecting my business and health. But now, I knew it was gone. Deeper and deeper peace rang through my body. I immediately become more calm, grounded and present.
    I’ve worked with many healers and have experienced many different modalities. Antonia and Greg are a rare find. If you have the chance to work with them (if you’re reading this right now, you obv. do!), follow your intuition. It knows best.

    Conversion Copywriter

IMAGE | CoreTalk Logo med

How the CoreTalk™ Professional Certification is Different and Valuable

You might be asking yourself, “Is this like all the other energy programs out there? I’ve done some other energy programs. I’ve cleared myself. How is this different? What makes CoreTalk™ Holistic Healing transformative is that it taps into, not just the mind for mindset issues, but the mind, body, and spirit, the superconsciousness, to get to the core of the issue and heal it once and for all. 

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Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up and Learn CoreTalk™

Connect with your innate healing system using our step-by-step process that you can use again and again to heal whatever’s held you back so you can express yourself easily and let your unique voice be heard so you can attract your ideal clients, make more money, and achieve calm, confidence, and health quickly and easily.

Focus and Trust

  • Have better focus so every day can be highly productive with lasting results
  • Trust yourself and your process so you no longer worry about making decisions or meeting deadlines
  • Trust that your body is working FOR you and not against you

Visibility and Stature

  • Expand your visibility so your reputation precedes you
  • Show up fully YOU so that your ideal clients see YOU and what YOU have to offer
  • Manage your emotions so you don’t have to medicate with food, prescriptions, drugs, or unhealthy relationships

Clarity and Creativity 

  • Have clarity about your unique talents so you can develop programs that capitalize on your strengths
  • Express your creativity so you can experience ‘flow’ whenever you’re creating
  • Help those who you were meant to serve

Calm and Thrive 

  • Decrease your anxiety so you can thrive in high stress situations where your performance makes a difference
  • Create a deep state of calm so you can respond in a powerful way instead of being reactive
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CoreTalk™ Professional Certification Package  $2997


IMAGE | The Ultimate Self-Healing System Product ImageENERGY ACCELERATOR CODE PROGRAMIMAGE | Success Accelerator Code Course Package

Get Lifetime Access and Personal CoreTalk™ Holistic Healing Certification


100% Satisfaction Guarantee for 30-Days

We are committed to making sure you get the results you want. If you go through the program and you’re not getting results, we will get on and coach you, we’ll meet with you, we’ll have sessions with you until you do. We're dedicated to your success. When you take action with us, we take action with you. That’s super important to us, and we stand by what we do. So this is one-hundred percent risk free. When you take action, you will get your problems resolved. it's 100% risk free.

IMAGE | Guarantee

Here’s what people are saying about Antonia and Greg, the course instructors

  • Self Health Institute

    I immediately become more calm, grounded, and present

    ‘Terror’ that I had been carrying since birth was freed, gone. It had been affecting my business and health. But now, I knew it was gone. Deeper and deeper peace rang through my body. I immediately become more calm, grounded and present.
    I’ve worked with many healers and have experienced many different modalities. Antonia and Greg are a rare find. If you have the chance to work with them (if you’re reading this right now, you obv. do!), follow your intuition. It knows best.

    Conversion Copywriter


Frequently Asked Questions

If you have any additional questions, please feel free to write us at

You will receive immediate access to all the course material and will be invited to participate whenever the courses and events are offered live.

For each of the course videos and exercises, it will take about  20-45 minutes to complete for each module, depending on how deep you go into the exercises. If you want to practice the techniques, you can spend another 15-45 minutes a day or a week.

All the calls for the live courses are recorded and sent out to all the participants.

CoreTalk Holistic Healing actually helps you complete other courses because it removes your energetic barriers that create procrastination and self-doubt. So, yes, you can do CoreTalk Professional Certification in combination with other courses and complete your other courses faster and easier!

On a personal note...

Our deepest wish is that you become FULL of yourself! Full to be uniquely you, full to bring all of your unique genius into the world, and so full that no one can quiet your voice, step on your spirit, or dim your light. We are on this path with you, and we love everything that you are.

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